Iroldak of the Monsters (#571)

Isn't this freeforall country from this current reset #5871 impressive?

Current Status

Rank Networth Land Government Tag GDI Status DR
752 $5,995,122 12,767 C untagged FalseAlive4.819


752#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,767$5,995,122untaggedC0Alive
734#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,767$6,093,654untaggedC0Alive
965#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,453$5,132,653untaggedC0Alive
956#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,453$5,169,462untaggedC0Alive
858#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,453$5,542,184untaggedC0Alive
844#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,426$5,576,324untaggedC0Alive
831#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,418$5,612,188untaggedC0Alive
816#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,411$5,649,032untaggedC0Alive
969#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,183$5,007,346untaggedC0Alive
903#571Iroldak of the Monsters12,170$5,347,012untaggedC0Alive
Showing 1 to 10 of 306 entries


DateEastern TimeTypeAttackerTagDefenderTagResult
14/03/2512:37 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged220A (252A)
14/03/2512:37 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged272A (326A)
14/03/2512:37 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged328A (417A)
14/03/2512:37 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged389A (530A)
14/03/2512:36 pmPSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged679A (997A)
14/03/2512:36 pmPSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged679A (1086A)
11/03/254:13 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged185A (275A)
11/03/254:13 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged219A (360A)
11/03/254:13 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged253A (465A)
11/03/254:13 pmSSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged284A (596A)
11/03/254:13 pmPSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged476A (1147A)
11/03/254:13 pmPSland llaar fetish (#795)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged501A (1187A)
09/03/251:21 pmSSland llaar fetish (#796)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged209A (347A)
09/03/251:20 pmSSland llaar fetish (#796)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged240A (447A)
09/03/251:20 pmSSland llaar fetish (#796)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged268A (573A)
09/03/251:20 pmSSland llaar fetish (#796)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untaggedDH
09/03/251:20 pmPSland llaar fetish (#796)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged445A (1103A)
09/03/251:19 pmPSland llaar fetish (#796)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged465A (1138A)
04/03/258:27 pmSSDoctor Strange (#28)ImpIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged268A (543A)
04/03/258:27 pmSSDoctor Strange (#28)ImpIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged291A (637A)
04/03/258:27 pmSSDoctor Strange (#28)ImpIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged299A (651A)
01/03/259:18 pmSSland llaar fetish (#794)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged209A (353A)
01/03/259:18 pmSSland llaar fetish (#794)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged243A (452A)
01/03/259:18 pmSSland llaar fetish (#794)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged278A (572A)
01/03/259:18 pmPSland llaar fetish (#794)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged442A (893A)
01/03/259:17 pmPSland llaar fetish (#794)xECxIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged473A (926A)
22/02/2511:20 amSS (#126)NBKIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged187A (328A)
22/02/2511:20 amSS (#126)NBKIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged217A (417A)
22/02/2511:20 amSS (#126)NBKIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged224A (429A)
22/02/2511:20 amSS (#126)NBKIroldak of the Monsters (#571)untagged232A (440A)
DateEastern TimeTypeAttackerTagDefenderTagResult
Showing 1 to 30 of 30 entries
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