Primary Server Top 10 Lists
And there are no hoverboards or flying cars.
Populated from current reset #5970.
Lets give a round of applause to these fine clans.
Oops! This server does not support clan data.
These countries sure are representing the server well.
Number | Name | Networth | Tag |
#15 | Blackjack | $15,007 | untagged |
#21 | wolfy | $14,012 | untagged |
#33 | Mutantville | $10,564 | untagged |
#4 | Killer Bee | $9,728 | untagged |
#23 | willvania | $8,322 | untagged |
#32 | PrimeTime | $8,108 | untagged |
#17 | This is Seremban SOL | $8,028 | untagged |
#14 | Cartel Del Norte Sicarios | $7,244 | untagged |
#22 | Maybe maybe not | $7,013 | untagged |
#25 | Back to the Future | $6,550 | untagged |
Number | Name | Land | Tag |
#15 | Blackjack | 231 | untagged |
#21 | wolfy | 214 | untagged |
#33 | Mutantville | 173 | untagged |
#4 | Killer Bee | 120 | untagged |
#23 | willvania | 120 | untagged |
#32 | PrimeTime | 120 | untagged |
#17 | This is Seremban SOL | 120 | untagged |
#14 | Cartel Del Norte Sicarios | 120 | untagged |
#22 | Maybe maybe not | 120 | untagged |
#25 | Back to the Future | 120 | untagged |
How well have these bots fared after being farmed all set long?
Number | Name | Networth | Tag |
No Data | No Data | No Data | No Data |
Number | Name | Land | Tag |
No Data | No Data | No Data | No Data |