Runners out of Samot (#194)

Isn't this cooperation country from this current reset #5842 impressive?

Current Status

Rank Networth Land Government Tag GDI Status DR
337 $4,751,593 13,333 H untagged FalseAlive1.187


Rank Number Name Land Networth Tag Gov GDI Status
337#194Runners out of Samot13,333$4,751,593untaggedH0Alive
349#194Runners out of Samot12,569$4,505,368untaggedH0Alive
335#194Runners out of Samot13,124$4,604,172untaggedH0Alive
327#194Runners out of Samot13,543$4,698,041untaggedH0Alive
318#194Runners out of Samot13,870$4,794,317untaggedH0Alive
327#194Runners out of Samot13,184$4,455,228untaggedH0Alive
326#194Runners out of Samot13,447$4,529,568untaggedH0Alive
320#194Runners out of Samot12,741$4,325,362untaggedH0Alive
313#194Runners out of Samot13,365$4,495,604untaggedH0Alive
314#194Runners out of Samot12,663$4,156,688untaggedH0Alive
296#194Runners out of Samot12,769$4,099,514untaggedH0Alive
309#194Runners out of Samot12,135$3,928,248untaggedH0Alive
284#194Runners out of Samot12,872$4,127,617untaggedH0Alive
316#194Runners out of Samot12,197$3,422,743untaggedH0Alive
307#194Runners out of Samot12,780$3,554,311untaggedH0Alive
318#194Runners out of Samot12,037$3,340,428untaggedH0Alive
286#194Runners out of Samot12,335$3,411,649untaggedH0Alive
290#194Runners out of Samot11,738$3,133,710untaggedH0Alive
268#194Runners out of Samot11,025$2,978,421untaggedH0Alive
251#194Runners out of Samot12,358$3,226,570untaggedH0Alive
273#194Runners out of Samot11,760$2,761,200untaggedH0Alive
273#194Runners out of Samot12,100$2,820,790untaggedH0Alive
269#194Runners out of Samot11,358$2,685,463untaggedH0Alive
259#194Runners out of Samot11,632$2,732,365untaggedH0Alive
256#194Runners out of Samot10,726$2,590,900untaggedH0Alive
253#194Runners out of Samot11,284$2,689,420untaggedH0Alive
246#194Runners out of Samot10,504$2,424,575untaggedH0Alive
240#194Runners out of Samot9,662$2,303,600untaggedH0Alive
229#194Runners out of Samot10,079$2,390,714untaggedH0Alive
226#194Runners out of Samot10,427$2,461,290untaggedH0Alive
220#194Runners out of Samot10,685$2,519,087untaggedH0Alive
203#194Runners out of Samot11,039$2,589,053untaggedH0Alive
227#194Runners out of Samot10,412$2,099,979untaggedH0Alive
227#194Runners out of Samot9,376$1,956,956untaggedH0Alive
202#194Runners out of Samot10,370$2,107,913untaggedH0Alive
189#194Runners out of Samot9,539$1,946,501untaggedH0Alive
181#194Runners out of Samot9,853$1,999,532untaggedH0Alive
237#194Runners out of Samot9,358$1,458,458untaggedH0Alive
226#194Runners out of Samot9,785$1,508,601untaggedH0Alive
212#194Runners out of Samot8,750$1,347,445untaggedH0Alive
261#194Runners out of Samot7,715$1,015,204untaggedH0Alive
221#194Runners out of Samot8,548$1,107,238untaggedH0Alive
209#194Runners out of Samot8,823$1,140,155untaggedH0Alive
238#194Runners out of Samot7,816$965,087untaggedH0Alive
214#194Runners out of Samot8,177$999,953untaggedH0Alive
196#194Runners out of Samot8,446$1,028,292untaggedH0Alive
220#194Runners out of Samot7,224$839,958untaggedH0Alive
183#194Runners out of Samot7,624$882,903untaggedH0Alive
240#194Runners out of Samot6,768$634,322untaggedH0Alive
167#194Runners out of Samot7,079$657,791untaggedH0Alive
166#194Runners out of Samot5,654$553,932untaggedH0Alive
154#194Runners out of Samot5,803$564,884untaggedH0Alive
127#194Runners out of Samot6,176$592,950untaggedH0Alive
183#194Runners out of Samot5,599$395,052untaggedH0Alive
Rank Networth Land Government Tag GDI Status


Date Eastern Time Type Attacker Tag Defender Tag Result
13/03/251:58 pmPSOtis is my Hero (#299)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged555A (1017A)
12/03/254:17 pmPSFlaming Kraken (#107)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged419A (1048A)
12/03/257:52 amSShush (#7)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged327A (788A)
10/03/258:31 pmSSStricken (#8)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged263A (693A)
09/03/251:04 pmSSParacetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin (#50)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged308A (777A)
09/03/251:04 pmSSParacetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin (#50)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged316A (795A)
08/03/2512:08 pmSSThe Forgotten Nautilus (#13)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged342A (678A)
07/03/259:38 amSShush (#7)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged330A (729A)
06/03/2511:49 amSS36x24x (#34)KingsmanRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged228A (456A)
06/03/2511:49 amSS36x24x (#34)KingsmanRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged251A (578A)
06/03/2511:49 amSS36x24x (#34)KingsmanRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged258A (600A)
05/03/259:12 amSSThe Forgotten Nautilus (#13)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged297A (695A)
05/03/259:12 amSSThe Forgotten Nautilus (#13)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged286A (729A)
04/03/258:12 amSShush (#7)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged298A (725A)
28/02/256:41 pmSSa v3ry t3rrible farm3r (#258)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged156A (230A)
28/02/256:41 pmSSa v3ry t3rrible farm3r (#258)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged185A (297A)
28/02/256:41 pmSSa v3ry t3rrible farm3r (#258)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged215A (382A)
28/02/256:41 pmSSa v3ry t3rrible farm3r (#258)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged244A (486A)
28/02/256:41 pmSSa v3ry t3rrible farm3r (#258)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged263A (560A)
28/02/256:41 pmSSa v3ry t3rrible farm3r (#258)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged270A (574A)
27/02/258:03 amSSseismic llaar wave (#218)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged340A (817A)
26/02/2511:51 amSScoop (#213)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged274A (614A)
24/02/255:05 pmSSR E S I S T (#180)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged274A (550A)
24/02/254:52 pmSScoop (#213)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged284A (628A)
22/02/2511:15 pmSSCartel Del Norte Sicarios (#9)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged198A (395A)
22/02/2511:15 pmSSCartel Del Norte Sicarios (#9)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged219A (503A)
22/02/2511:13 pmPSCartel Del Norte Sicarios (#9)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged348A (867A)
22/02/254:30 pmSSR E S I S T (#180)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged258A (594A)
22/02/259:15 amPSUgomatic Incorporated (#3)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged354A (881A)
19/02/257:10 amSSThe Forgotten Nautilus (#13)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged209A (349A)
19/02/257:10 amSSThe Forgotten Nautilus (#13)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged242A (449A)
19/02/257:10 amSSThe Forgotten Nautilus (#13)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged267A (530A)
19/02/257:10 amSSThe Forgotten Nautilus (#13)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged276A (545A)
18/02/255:07 amSSTo Play or not to Play (#176)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged314A (680A)
16/02/255:17 pmPSTo Play or not to Play (#176)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged427A (913A)
14/02/259:34 pmPSSpy Country (#12)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged250A (484A)
14/02/259:34 pmPSSpy Country (#12)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged282A (623A)
14/02/259:34 pmPSSpy Country (#12)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged301A (711A)
13/02/256:52 pmSSTo Play or not to Play (#176)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged275A (472A)
13/02/251:35 pmSScoop (#213)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged361A (552A)
12/02/257:44 pmSSTo Play or not to Play (#176)LaFRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged269A (471A)
11/02/2511:38 pmSSNitelL (#171)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged186A (330A)
11/02/2511:38 pmSSNitelL (#171)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untaggedDH
11/02/2511:38 pmSSNitelL (#171)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged214A (417A)
10/02/254:33 pmSSLink (#267)LinkRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged153A (279A)
10/02/254:33 pmSSLink (#267)LinkRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged158A (287A)
09/02/2512:24 amSSThe Tidal Bonna (#200)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged149A (242A)
08/02/255:50 pmSSFlaming Kraken (#107)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged174A (211A)
08/02/255:50 pmSSFlaming Kraken (#107)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged199A (240A)
07/02/2512:28 pmSSNAutilus (#28)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged174A (206A)
07/02/2512:28 pmSSNAutilus (#28)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged213A (251A)
07/02/2512:28 pmSSNAutilus (#28)tsuNAmiRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged252A (289A)
04/02/254:01 pmSSSterlitamak (#43)STRRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged64A (83A)
04/02/254:01 pmPSSterlitamak (#43)STRRunners out of Samot (#194)untagged114A (149A)
04/02/2512:45 pmPSUgomatic Incorporated (#3)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged168A (230A)
04/02/2512:45 pmSSUgomatic Incorporated (#3)SKARunners out of Samot (#194)untagged168A (169A)
Date Eastern Time Type Attacker Tag Defender Tag Result