Private Market Oil ONLY Destocking Guide

Destocking Calculator

Enter in the following values (current or future) of your country below. These values should be what you will have in your country when you have 8 turns remaining and the set is about to end.

General Instructions

This calculator should be used to determine how much networth you can gain from your private market ONLY using bushels and oil. Enter into the form your starting prices, land, etc to prepare for the first buy out of your PM. Next, for the oil portion of the destock, I will assume you will drop land to gain max military prices with only military bases remaining. So being a private market destocking guide, troops will always be the best buy, then tanks, then jets, and finally turrets. This calculator assumes that you will jump on the last 8 turns of the set. You can write out numbers as "200000000", or "200,000,000", or "200m", or "10k", or "1500m".

Field Definition
Days to Destock Means how many days you want to give yourself to destock. This is set to 1 day for last day of set jumping
Bushel Stock Means how many bushels you plan to have by the day you want to start destocking.("200000000", "250,000,000", "300m", etc)
Cash Stock Means how much cash you'll have on hand by the day you want to start destocking. ("1500000000", "150,000,000", "1000m", etc)
Oil Stock Means how much oil you'll have on hand by the day you want to start destocking. ("1500000000", "150,000,000", "1000m", etc)
Bushel Price Means the price you plan on selling your bushels, whether it be $29, or $35 off private or public (remember to include 0.06 tax).
Turns Gained Means how many turns you have gained since your last log on. Default is 72 (24 hour period for alliance server). You will need to adjust this for other servers.
Troop Price Means the buying price of troops you plan to have on your private market after government and military tech modifiers.
Jet Price Means the buying price of jets you plan to have on your private market after government and military tech modifiers.
Turret Price Means the buying price of turrets you plan to have on your private market after government and military tech modifiers.
Tank Price Means the buying price of tanks you plan to have on your private market after government and military tech modifiers.
PM Unit Bonus % Means to enter the percent for Private Market Units in the bonus section of the game. ("0.5", "7.0", "5.5", etc)
Land Means the amount of land you plan on having by the day you want to start destocking. ("20000", "16,000", "10k", etc)

Private Market Price Chart

This is a private market buy price cheat sheet

Government Type No Military Tech Max Military Tech Max MB & Tech
Standard $144 Troops
$192 Jets
$210 Turrets
$588 Tanks
$120 Troops
$160 Jets
$175 Turrets
$490 Tanks
$90 Troops
$120 Jets
$131 Turrets
$367 Tanks
Theocracy $115 Troops
$154 Jets
$168 Turrets
$470 Tanks
$103 Troops
$137 Jets
$150 Turrets
$419 Tanks
$77 Troops
$103 Jets
$112 Turrets
$315 Tanks
Democracy $144 Troops
$192 Jets
$210 Turrets
$588 Tanks
$118 Troops
$157 Jets
$171 Turrets
$480 Tanks
$88 Troops
$118 Jets
$129 Turrets
$360 Tanks

Private Market Bushel Sell Price

This is displaying the max sell price of different governments on the private market. You must have maxed your military technology to achieve these prices.

Base Norm Base Theo Max Norm Max Demo Max Theo
$29 $23 $35 $36 $26